The Fastest Windows Ever.
Works with ancient dinosaur machines, including Pentium 2-3. A Couple Great Themes “Rista” comparable to Vista. Extremely Small, Yet fully operable with almost all features still available. As of 9.27.08, it is still the best for over a year! Pros. Windows XP Palestine is faster than any computer I’ve worked with, no matter what the specs. I BOOTED MY COMPUTER IN 8 SECONDS, FIVE OF WHICH WERE SPENT IN MY BIOS START SCREEN. It responds extremely fast. Nothing weighs it down. Next to no ram usage. Only vital features included to keep it slim. Visually impressing. Plays games totally awesomely, even with my intel mobile video card (basically shite). Completly activated, able to download Micro$oft Updates.
Cons ...
From what I’ve heard, installing certain drivers from Realtek can be a hassle. Comes with no drivers of any sort, so I recommend you use a driver tool to back them up and put them on cd or external drive, link included at bottom. Also, some very little things are in Arabiac, for they are trying to leave their mark on this beautiful system. Only other con would be your mom might cry cuz your computer leaves her’s in teh dust.
The difference between this os and another small one, such as TinyXp, is the programs included and their build. You could say TinyXp shops in the Husky Section when compared toPalestine, whom is a track star. Palestine takes up 160 megs where “Tiny”Xp takes 600. Palestine comes with no programs, the way it should be, and TinyXp comes with a bunch of email and micro$ft stuff nobody really asked for. Yes, I’m hating on TinyXp ini windows baru lho.. filex kecil bget cm 159 Mb dlm bntuk ISO, jd udh lngsung siap di burning ma kalian,
Mw tw tmpilannya sperti apa? kalian bisa lihat screenshotx di bawah ini :
gmn..? unik kan, udah.. tunggu apa lagi, kalian bisa ko' mendapatkanx
disini gratis, dan hebatnya, windows ini tanpa menggunakan SN (serial
number) jadi langsung active, untuk mendownloadx silahkan klik
disini selamat mencoba
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